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  • To stimulate a greater interest in and knowledge of the artistic arrangement of plant materials, flowers, vegetables, and their culture;

  • To encourage the growth and preservation of our trees and wildflowers;

  • To give our aid and protection to our native birds;

  • To participate in civic beautification projects around the Town of Canton.




  • Provide opportunities to learn from featured speakers in the areas of floral arrangement, horticulture design, and conservation of natural resources.

  • Maintain the garden(s) at Bicentennial Park, Canton Library and Community Center, Canton Green, and plant containers along the Farmington River in Collinsville. 

  • Participate in the Japanese Knotweed Eradication Project at Allen Place and the Collinsville Pollen Trail.

  • Plant spring bulbs on town properties and along the Rails to Trails.

  • Decorate holiday baskets for local special needs residents.

  • Decorate and deliver holiday wreaths and baskets for town agencies.

  • Maintain 8 bluebird boxes.

  • Host two annual fundraisers.




  • Opportunities to learn from featured speakers in the areas of floral arrangement, horticultural design, and conservation.

  • Fellowship for its members through a common interest in gardening and the beautification of our community.

  • Special trips and related activities.

  • Horticultural and floral design workshops.

  • Affiliation with state and national gardening organizations such as the Federated Garden Clubs of CT.

  • Venue to explore creative aspects of life as a gardener.




  • Pay annual membership dues.

  • Regularly attend business meetings.

  • Co-host the social hour at one business meeting during the year.

  • Participate in club activities and events.



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