To stimulate a greater interest in and knowledge of the artistic arrangement of plant materials, flowers, vegetables, and their culture;
To encourage the growth and preservation of our trees and wildflowers;
To give our aid and protection to our native birds;
To participate in civic beautification projects around the Town of Canton.
Provide opportunities to learn from featured speakers in the areas of floral arrangement, horticulture design, and conservation of natural resources.
Maintain the garden(s) at Bicentennial Park, Canton Library and Community Center, Canton Green, and plant containers along the Farmington River in Collinsville.
Participate in the Japanese Knotweed Eradication Project at Allen Place and the Collinsville Pollen Trail.
Plant spring bulbs on town properties and along the Rails to Trails.
Decorate holiday baskets for local special needs residents.
Decorate and deliver holiday wreaths and baskets for town agencies.
Maintain 8 bluebird boxes.
Host two annual fundraisers.
Opportunities to learn from featured speakers in the areas of floral arrangement, horticultural design, and conservation.
Fellowship for its members through a common interest in gardening and the beautification of our community.
Special trips and related activities.
Horticultural and floral design workshops.
Affiliation with state and national gardening organizations such as the Federated Garden Clubs of CT.
Venue to explore creative aspects of life as a gardener.
Pay annual membership dues.
Regularly attend business meetings.
Co-host the social hour at one business meeting during the year.
Participate in club activities and events.